RPL Information Page 

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Wayne Harrison (of Harrison Training Group) is an official contractor of (Malyon Vocational Training) and as such recognises that you already have knowledge and skills from life and work experience, previous courses and training, or self-taught knowledge and skills. If you can provide evidence (proof) that you already have the relevant skills and knowledge, you may be able to use this to gain recognition for all or part of your enrolled program with Harrison Training Group. This is known as recognition of prior learning (RPL).

RPL to be successful must be firstly understood. By definition it is:

an assessment pathway you can utilise to recognise the skills, knowledge and experience gained through work experience, life experience, training courses and work based training.

RPL requires some upfront work but has many benefits to the learner;

  • Conforms to the requirements for equity and flexibility in adult education programs.
  • Avoids the problem of participants having to unnecessarily repeat learning experiences. (ie) relearn what they already know.
  • Encourages the development of flexible assessment procedures that measure the real time skills and knowledge of the individual.
  • Assesses the candidates’ current competence* in comparison to the stated standards of competence required for the program they are enrolled in.

*Current competency should ideally be 12-18 months.

Before considering RPL as a way forward we encourage you to consider the following things.

  • RPL is based on evidence that you supply that specifically matches the units/subjects that you will be studying with us. For example a Certificate IV in Hospitality will not help with RPL in relation to a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. What you have studied or previously done must show that it matches what you are about to study. To ensure that you submit the right evidence you must consider what particular units/subjects that you are enrolled to study. If you are successful, you will be assessed as having already completed those modules or units in your course. This will enable you to complete your studies in less time and at less cost.These exemptions will be granted when all the stated learning outcomes and performance criteria of the training courses have been shown to be met. (PLEASE NOTE) In this process you cannot RPL a percentage of a unit/subject.
  • Some people have lots of experience but unfortunately not the proof (paperwork) to show that they have actually completed what they wish to RPL. In these cases despite your experience without proof (normally documentation from a third party) RPL becomes difficult to both prove and thus achieve.
  • Successful RPL must be done 10 Days prior to course commencement date (this is because we will need to organise your materials specific to what you will and wont be studying with us and to customise any assessments that we may need to adjust for you during a program)
  • You are responsible for providing all the necessary evidence to gain RPL.
  • Evidence you submit must be your work or your attainments that you personally have achieved/developed and done yourself.
  • The fee charged for RPL are normally less that attending the program but this dependent on each persons RPL submission as each candidates RPL submission is completely different.
  • If you are looking for help with understanding the educational level of your overseas qualification. Free assessments are available to individuals residing or working in South Australia that are either an Australian citizen, permanent resident, on a pathway to permanent residency visa or a temporary visa holder with work rights. To learn more visit Immigration SA website (or) Contact Specialist Migrant Services on 08 8303 2450 or email sms@sa.gov.au.
  • Harrison Training Group may not issue formal RPL in some circumstances but may allow you to not complete particular parts of the program assessment tasks (as they see fit) based on your RPL Evidence.
  • Harrison Training Group reserve the right to accept and refuse evidence based on the 4 Rules of Evidence (Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015)
  • Validity – The assessor is assured that the learner has the skills, knowledge and attributes as described in the module or unit of competency and associated assessment requirements.
    Sufficiency – The assessor is assured that the quality, quantity and relevance of the assessment evidence enables an accurate judgement to be made of a learner’s competency.
    Authenticity – The assessor is assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the learner’s own work.
    Currency – The assessor is assured that the assessment evidence demonstrates current competency. This requires the assessment evidence to be from the present or the very recent past.

Here are the next steps in the RPL process.

  1. Enrol in your nominated program and ask/choose the RPL options in the appropriate section of the enrolment form.
  2. Once enrolled you will receive a phone call from one of our assessors and a Confirmation of Enrolment email with a link which will give you a link to this page as to what we will be looking for in relation to RPL Evidence from you.
  3. You must then gather and submit your evidence based on the course units you are about to study and submit it no later than 10 Days from the course start date that you are enrolled for.
  4. From your RPL submission your course facilitator will either contact you with any questions they have and email you back with your RPL Results confirming what RPL you have gotten as a part of the RPL process.
  5. From this point you may be asked to bring in hard copies or (JP signed) copies of your evidence or originals for our assessor on the first day of the program or before online access is granted (For Online Learners)
  6. Amendments to fees will also be made in cases of successful RPL for full units of Competency.
  7. Each RPL candidate has the opportunity to ask further questions and clarify any concerns or questions that they may have as a part of this process at any time during the RPL process.

Here are some hints to the best forms of evidence you may have that will help you in the RPL process.

Please analyse the units you will be studying with us before considering which evidence below would be appropriate or not.

  • Brief CV or work history (helpful as a guide) must include the last 12-18 months of your work experience (list of key activities included)
  • Certificates/results of assessment
  • Certificates/results of assessment – interstate/overseas
  • Certificates/results of assessment – universities
  • Results/statement of attendance/ certificates – vendor training courses
  • Results/statement of attendance/ certificates – in house courses
  • Results/statement of attendance/ certificates – workshops, seminars, symposiums, etc
  • Results/statements of attendance/ certificates – club courses e.g. first aid, surf life saving
  • Industry awards
  • Membership of relevant professional associations
  • Learning programs (you have created or attended)
  • Learning and assessment strategies (you have created or attended)
  • Training session plans (you have created or attended)
  • Learning resources developed (including electronic forms: videos, MP4s, DVDs…)
  • Assessment tools and marking guides (you have created or attended)
  • Completed assessment reports
  • Minutes of moderation and validation meetings
  • Minutes of industry network meetings
  • Quality system documents
  • Audit reports and documents
  • minutes of meetings where leadership and teamwork are evident
  • Diaries/task sheets/job sheets/log books
  • Feedback forms and comments
  • References/letters from previous employers/supervisors
  • Special skills outside work
  • Performance reviews (in relation to the competencies being assessed)
  • Any other documentation that may demonstrate industry experience (list)

If you have any further questions about RPL or need help or assistance with this process feel free to get in touch with on of our assessors to help you in this process.




(08) 7134 3055


Simply complete the 1 page Online Pre-Enrolment Form to express interest for any of our Adelaide Campus programs. It will only take a few minutes for you to fill in and one of our team will be in touch.

Wayne Harrison (of Harrison Training Group) is an official contractor of (Malyon Vocational Training)

VET Provider NumbeRTO:30002 ABN: 26 140 175 668.

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